Having a platform to share Xsolla’s vision with those who are just as passionate about the gaming industry as we are is beyond exciting,said Chris.
We look forward to speaking with and meeting people from across the globe who share our philosophy to help make gaming available for everyone. Whether you are a big AAA studio or an indie game developer just starting your journey, we are here to help make your game and business a success.Hewish’s talk, titled “Heavy indie gamers: Who are they and how do you sell your game to them?” (Tuesday, August 23 | 5:00pm - 5:30pm [Add to Calendar]) will answer questions about what kind of games interest indie gamers, and what’s the best way to market your game to them. This insight will include key findings from internal research and tools that indie game developers need for success. Xsolla is also leading a number of other talks during both events:
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