Techland boasts a vast catalog of unforgettable video game experiences including Dying Light, Dying Light 2: Stay Human, Call of Juarez, and Gods Trigger.
In 2021, Techland stakeholders and Xsolla experts got together to figure out how Techland could offer pre-orders of Dying Light 2, and make available its entire back catalog, directly to players.
Together, Xsolla and Techland defined a strategic combination of products into one comprehensive solution: Xsolla Game Sales, a combined integration of products (Site Builder, In-Game Store, and Pay Station) which allows the publisher to create a custom branded online web store with multiple features.
The website pre-order campaign for Dying Light 2 generated 6% of overall sales, with a conversion rate of 11.8%. This success was partly due to the availability of localized payment methods at checkout, which came from a pool of over 1,000+ globally available options.
Want to pre-sell your new game? Or perhaps offer your back catalog to gamers on your own terms? Contact Xsolla today and find out how we can help you with multiple solutions and expert insight.
Website conversion rate
Generated from the pre-order campaign website
Available globally, offered localized at checkout