
One price for everything.

5% of transactions
+ cost of channel.

No integration cost or upfront payments
Product screenshot

Core features

Built-in anti-fraud compatible with 700+ payment methods globally
Anti-fraud detection rules set to match the specifics of your game
Cross-game blocklisting to prevent fraud migration across games
Brute-force protection limits
Region locks
3DSecure & 3DSecure 2.0, Address Verification System check, micro-deposit verification
In-game parameters and cross-game analytics
User payment behavior analytics
Machine-learning system adapted for your traffic
Сompliance with all IPS risk standards
Refunds & disputes
24/7 manual review of disputable transactions for credit cards, PayPal and Amazon Pay
Refund webhooks
Single and multiple-game Launcher customization templates
Claim Alert Service

$5 per claim, upon request

Custom fraud analytics reports for your game from a dedicated fraud expert team
Real-time fraud analytics in Publisher Account
Dispute management analytics in Publisher Account

Key benefits

Xsolla Promise
100% PCI DSS compliance on every transaction
99.9% systems uptime guarantee
98% average acceptance rate
24/7 customer support
Dedicated account management < 12-hour response time & < 30-minute urgent response time
Xsolla product integrations

Xsolla Pay Station

Xsolla Subscriptions

Xsolla Store

Xsolla Buy Button

Xsolla Site Builder

Xsolla Launcher

External integrations

Ethoca claim alert service


One price for all products and solutions for your gaming business

Access all current and upcoming Xsolla products – Use what you want and always pay the same amount
No integration cost or upfront payments
Contact us to schedule a product tour →

Pay Station

Monetize for every economy with 700+ payment types worldwide and the best anti-fraud protection in the gaming industry. 
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In-Game Store

Deliver the best user experience using and In-Game Store stocked with your virtual goods, virtual currencies, DLC, and more. 
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Boost loyalty, increase engagement, and build consistent revenue streams with player-friendly subscription plans. 
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Site Builder

Create a website for your game in minutes using your Steam page. 
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Buy Button

Earn more by selling pre-orders, digital and physical goods directly to your players. 
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Deliver game content using secure and customizable game hub for your community. 
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Seamless secure one-click authentication with user rights management. 
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Partner Network

Global influencer and affiliate access to engage more players for your game. 
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Ready to give it a go?

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Payment Questions

Have a question about an Xsolla charge or another payment issue?
Get help now on our support page →
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