
Modern Payments for the DMA Age

  • Drive iOS and Android monetization

    Power in-app purchases for your side-loaded games as well as new app stores across both Android and iOS.

  • A solution for every new buzzword

    Android: APK Side-Loading, User Choice Billing

    iOS: Notarization, App Marketplaces, Web Distribution, Alternative Payments

  • Accept more payments

    Instantly offer players 1,000+ payment methods from inside your mobile game, while still complying with store rules.

and Login

Authentication and Login

Create seamless login APIs and integrate them with your server for proper identification and use within Xsolla products.

SKUs and In-App

SKUs and In-App Purchases

Import your IAP SKUs into Xsolla's Virtual Item Store system to allow correct mapping and administration of your items.


Payments Setup

Unlock over 1,000+ payment methods to offer players in-app or out-of-app in tailored web shops.

Global Coverage

Supported Countries


Manage your game’s distribution directly across multiple geographies.

Google Play / User choice billing

  • european-union-flag.svg
    European Economic Area (EEA) countries
  • india-flag.svg
  • south-korea-flag.svg
    South Korea

App Store / Alternative billing

  • european-union-flag.svg
    European Union — 27 EU member states
Contact Us


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