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Buy Button

What kinds of projects can we sell via Buy Button?

Using the Buy Button, you can sell game keys, pre-orders and bundles with a game keys inside. You can do it for existing game or game in an early stage.

How do I start selling?

There are three ways to sell goods: a custom widget, Site builder and an API. You can learn more there - https://developers.xsolla.com/doc/buy-button/integration-guide/set-up-selling-game-keys/.

Can we sell game keys across different platforms?

We support game key sales across more than 14 different platforms, including Steam, the Epic Games Store, the PlayStation Store, and Xbox Games Store. We also support the sale of DRM-free keys if you use your own game launcher or Xsolla Launcher.

Is it possible to create a store with shopping cart functionality?

We currently offer APIs for selling physical games, virtual goods, and virtual currency with a shopping cart. In the near future, we will support selling game keys with a shopping cart.

Can we set different prices in different countries?

You can set the price of your game and any of its in-game goods in different currencies, allowing you to adapt prices to the economic conditions of a given country. Contact with Customer Success Manager if you need this for selling game keys.

Is it possible to sell game per-orders?

Yes, you can sell game pre-orders. Set your game’s launch date and all customers will receive their key immediately at launch.

Can we customize the receipt?

Yes. Our template lets you customize your receipt colors and text, and add an image. You can learn more there - https://developers.xsolla.com/doc/pay-station/how-to/how-to-customize-emails-to-users/.

Can we customize the payment UI?

Yes, you can cusomize Payment UI. You can learn more there - https://developers.xsolla.com/doc/pay-station/features/ui-theme-customization/.

Is it possible to run promotions for a specific product?

Yes. You can set up discount, bonus, coupon and promo code promotions for a specific duration of time. You can set up limitation and personalization for promotions if you have Xsolla Login.

Is it possible to give away free game keys?

Yes. You can give away free game keys by setting them as free in the SKU pricing section.

Can we restrict sales by region?

Yes. We can help you restrict certain regions from selling your game.

Can I sell different keys in different regions?

Yes. We can help you set up the sale of different keys depending on the region.

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