Xsolla Funding Club

Funding 101: The Impact Of The Vertical Slice

June 27, 2024
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For many game developers, the vertical slice is more than a proof of concept. Producing a vertical slice can pay dividends toward fully realizing the optimal player experience—and help pay for development, publishing, and marketing through supportive programs like the Xsolla Funding Club.

What is a vertical slice?

A vertical slice is a fully playable portion of a game that shows the developer’s intended player experience. It is similar to a playable demo where key features and systems work together seamlessly, complete with assets representing the final quality. Final quality assets distinguish the vertical slice from earlier game iterations like an initial playable build, a functioning prototype, or a minimum viable product (MVP). While these phases of development are important, they’re not necessarily fit for consumption outside of a development team. Providing stakeholders, including investors and publishers, with a precisely crafted vertical slice helps sell your vision by providing the best example of your game’s “fun factor.”

A piece of cake

While the vertical slice’s “flavor” depends on what kind of game you’re making, its purpose is always the same. Imagine cutting a piece of cake for a loved one. Ideally, you want to give them a slice that encapsulates the taste of the full cake rather than a lopsided piece with missing layers or too much frosting. A vertical slice of your game should do the same by representing your game as a complete experience and more than the sum of its layers.

Why a slice?

Before you can bake the proverbial cake, you may want to serve a slice to show you’ve got a recipe for success. Committing to producing a vertical slice can help you and your team regroup and answer important questions, such as:
  • What is this game?
  • How does it play?
  • Does it deliver on your intended player experience?
  • Can you complete it at scale?
With a vertical slice, you can honestly assess each of the game’s components and whether they’re properly working together. This can reveal gaps, problems, and inefficiencies, helping you and your team plan how to move forward. Most importantly, creating a vertical slice can help developers determine their current status in production and understand the work left to do. Many developers prioritize creating a vertical slice during the pre-production phase to confidently move on to full production and eliminate uncertainty. xsolla-blog-vertical-slice-featured-image-800x600.webp

What to include

We’ve discussed the components of a vertical slice in broad terms, but if you want to put your best slice forward, we recommend showcasing the following essential systems, features, and assets. Musts

  • Art direction: Aesthetics aren’t optional. A completely designed world should successfully immerse players by connecting the visual dots between every asset.
  • UI: Your user interface (UI) should function seamlessly and intuitively as players navigate between core gameplay, menus, or other secondary devices within the game.
  • Gameplay mechanics: Does your core gameplay allow the player character to fly? Slow time? Walk through walls? Grant players the ability to use all—not just some—of these gameplay mechanics in your vertical slice to convey how the final product will play.
  • Music: Scores help establish a game’s mood. Incorporate thematic, professional music to ensure that your vertical slice resonates.
  • Sound design: Sound effects add realism and depth to the player’s interaction with your world. Design and incorporate sound for every punch, tire screech, error buzz, and thunderstorm.

  • Controller tutorials: At presentations and events, you might be able to guide players through your vertical slice in real-time, but your game will eventually need to stand on its own. Building out an in-game controller tutorial now will ensure an optimal experience when sharing your vertical slice externally.
  • Controller flexibility: Is your game set up to play on multiple devices with multiple input options? Include multiple options in your vertical slice to support a player’s ability to play on a controller, a keyboard and mouse, and any other options you want to include in your final game.
  • Settings/options: Most modern games include a host of display and controller customization options to help players optimize their experience on various devices. Fleshing out the settings options of your vertical slice will add an extra layer of polish and minimize technical support questions.

Tips to perfect your vertical slice

Even if you’ve already secured funding, your vertical slice can be the key to earning further capital—or the blunder that costs you precious funds. The additional tips can help you level up your vertical slice and enter pitch meetings with confidence. Align your vertical slice with your pitch deck When submitting or presenting your game, your vertical slice should align with the vision in your pitch deck. If your pitch deck is your case for investment or stakeholder buy-in, the vertical slice is your proof of concept. Help ensure a successful pitch by demonstrating consistency to instill confidence in your presentees. Treat the vertical slice as your first milestone Investors often recognize your vertical slice as your first milestone because it can make a powerful first impression. If you move into an agreement with an investor or other funding source, be prepared to have it shaped by the overall quality of your pitch deck and vertical slice. A vertical slice that communicates developer strength and quality can result in a much different investor relationship and corresponding milestone schedule than a game that’s not ready for prime time. Make the best and save the rest You don’t need to build out plans for a game that doesn’t exist yet, so refrain from recruiting influencers or other secondary objectives until after you’ve completed carving out your ideal vertical slice. By focusing on the most important deliverable in your arsenal, you can stay on schedule to earn optimal funding to create the best game possible.

Ready to showcase your game?

Ready to showcase your vertical slice to investors? Xsolla Funding Club connects passionate developers to interested investors, with one in ten applicants finding successful connections, financial support, and partnerships. Boost your game’s chance for success in the industry and receive the funding you need to create, launch, and market your game. Get started by logging in or signing up for your Publisher Account. Originally published on October 10, 2021
Updated on June 27, 2024
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