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Web Shop engagement strategies: Web-exclusive currency

May 23, 2024
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The rise of D2C

The mobile gaming market is booming, but acquisition and retention costs are rising alongside evolving platform regulations. This squeeze on profitability has developers and publishers searching for new monetization strategies. Enter direct-to-consumer (D2C) solutions. Implementing robust game-branded online shopping sites (web shops) with the right approach and eCommerce partner allows developers to capture a larger revenue share and optimize costs, giving them a crucial edge in the dynamic mobile games market. Many web shop methodologies exist, each catering to specific game genres and monetization models. There are several highly effective ways to boost D2C game revenue significantly. Web-exclusive currency is a high-impact, resource-efficient approach that players enjoy and developers embrace for their web shops. Xsolla is proud to have launched over 200 web shops in the past 2 years. In this article, we’ll share invaluable insights and practical tips to consider as you navigate the intricacies of your mobile game’s web shop implementation.

Alternative currency benefits

In mobile gaming, web-exclusive currency—unique currency, exclusively available through the web shop—stands out for being easy to implement and effective in generating revenue. It offers players a more engaging way for players to get game items and enhance their gameplay. What exactly is web-exclusive currency? It is when a web shop sells alternative currency that players can use to buy any offer in the game. Essentially, the game remains the primary place for player purchases, though these transactions are made with the web shop's currency in lieu of real currency because the shop’s exclusive currency has more value and is more convenient than the real thing. A web-exclusive currency strategy offers many advantages to mobile game developers, including:
  • Minimal resources. Xsolla Web Shop offers a comprehensive toolkit with templates, intuitive customization tools, and a seamless catalog uploading feature, saving your team time, in-game changes, and hiring efforts.
  • Branding recognition by players. Familiar branding plus exclusive currency foster acceptance of the web shop as a natural evolution of the game itself.
  • Rapid returns on investment. Web currency fosters a vibrant community beyond the game itself, fueling a rapid uptick in your revenue stream.
  • Sustainable, long-term revenue growth. With an environment conducive to higher-value (+$100 USD) transactions by whales and dolphins, exclusive currency can result in expanded game and web shopping loyalty.

Shifting behavior from play, to pay

Introducing web-exclusive currency for purchase requires strategic execution to sync it with the game's economy and incentivize players to shop via the web.
  • Leveraging events creates anticipation and excitement, ultimately creating a receptive environment for showcasing your new form of money.

  • Drawing pricing parity between web-exclusive currency and real-world money can incentivize online purchases, especially when the exchange rate favors web funds. Savings are a powerful motivator.
  • Making it easy to move between game and web ensures players are most likely to embrace your new exchange method’. Be crystal clear in your benefits explanation and give simple, easy-to-follow instructions for maximum effect.
  • Be extra kind to whales. Their purchasing power is undeniable. By convincing them to shop via the web, you increase the odds that they will spread awareness and encourage other players to explore your shop.

Essential incentives: specific shopping motivators

When planning your web shop launch, consider using unique, compelling offers that provide greater incentives than in-game deals for players to purchase through your online platform.
  • Capitalize on virtual currency packs that offer significant value compared to in-game currency purchases.
  • Optimize pack sizes and pricing. Limit your web-exclusive currency pack offerings to a manageable range – ideally between 6 and 8 packs – to focus on promoting and optimizing a select few options rather than overwhelming players with too many choices.

  • Target big spenders. Incorporate packs priced above $100 to entice whales and dolphins. These packs should offer a substantial bonus or discount to justify a higher price. Aim for a premium of 5-10% compared to the equivalent in-game currency purchase.
  • Avoiding discount traps. While discounts may seem appealing to attract customers, excessive discounting can hinder your web shop's revenue potential. Instead of deep discounts, consider implementing a loyalty program that rewards whales for their patronage. Offer tiered rewards based on their purchase history, providing them exclusive benefits and incentives as they spend more.
  • Harness the power of rewards. Introduce a reward system that incentivizes players to purchase through your web shop. Award points for each purchase, allowing players to accumulate these points and unlock valuable rewards. This system not only encourages players to repeat purchases; it also enhances player engagement and loyalty.

  • Embrace a multi-channel approach: Remember the importance of marketing when promoting your web shop. Just as you would for game updates, dedicate similar efforts to your web shop updates with email campaigns, social media posts, direct communication, and more to inform players about new offerings, promotions, and updates.
  • Sync in-game events to web shop content. Establish a connection between in-game events and web shop content updates, creating a seamless and integrated player experience that encourages players to explore your web shop and discover its value.

In conclusion

Implementing these strategies can effectively cultivate a habit of web buying among players. This approach will redirect a portion of paying traffic away from third-party platforms and help reduce the costs associated with those transactions. By using the tips in this blog post, reading the extended web currencies ebook, and embracing the right approach to development, you can:
  • Increase your game’s revenue by reducing platform and app store fees;
  • Multiply the number of paying users;
  • Boost the average transaction size;
  • Improve player engagement and retention metrics.
Want to find out if your game is ready to launch a Web Shop and find out the best way to measure your eCommerce success? Download a copy of our detailed Web Shop guide, WEB SHOP SUCCESS STRATEGIES: EXCLUSIVE CURRENCY If you’re ready to launch your own game-branded web shop schedule a call with one of our Xsolla Web Shop experts. We’re always happy to help you acquire, retain, and monetize more paying mobile players.
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