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Introducing Xsolla Business Engine

October 11, 2021
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Our goal at Xsolla has always been simple — to help you operate your business and sell more games. The world is experiencing unique pressures due to the COVID-19 outbreak, so for the gaming industry, it’s more important than ever to work efficiently and provide great content to a growing audience of players. We’ve been hard at work on new solutions designed to make your job easier. We’re especially proud to introduce Xsolla Business Engine, a revolutionary system that connects you with our vast industry network, and provides access to revenue and growth opportunities tailored to your business — all available from your Publisher Account dashboard. And this is only the beginning. There’s a lot going on at Xsolla — new ways to help you market, sell, connect, and optimize your game more efficiently and in more places worldwide.

Introducing Xsolla Business Engine

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We’re excited to announce the launch of Xsolla Business Engine, a unified data-driven system designed to provide customized recommendations and access to our network of resources to drive revenue and growth for your company, before you even know you need it. Based on information about your project, Business Engine presents the most relevant Xsolla solutions for your development stage, monetization type and platform. On your Publisher Account dashboard, our analytics-driven recommendation system shares advanced solutions, new features, and opportunities to optimize your current integration via opportunity cards, specifically chosen for you. In addition, these opportunity cards help you access Xsolla’s expertise and relationships with investors, digital creators, influencers, web distribution channels, banks, and payment providers. “Through automation and data analysis of your business, we’re making it easy to determine the next steps for your revenue and growth strategy, serving up opportunities such as business connections, or easy-to-integrate solutions selected for your specific needs in key areas including marketing, monetization, and payment solutions.” – Chris Hewish, President, Xsolla There are three main components of Business Engine:
  • Solutions catalog – Input your information on xsolla.com and see all of the solutions that are relevant to your business.
  • Publisher Account dashboard – Access business recommendations for tools, services and solutions automatically picked for your business, then integrate them easily with a user-friendly integration guide.
  • Xsolla Business Engine iOS app – An easy and convenient way to manage your business from your smartphone. See payout information, access recommended opportunities, manage settings, or make decisions—all from the palm of your hand.
Business Engine is the culmination of Xsolla’s 15 years of experience in the video game industry, working on over 2,000 projects worldwide. We’re thrilled to finally unveil it to our partners, as we believe it will provide an incredible amount of value. Benefits to you:
  1. Targeted, relevant revenue and growth opportunities are delivered directly to your Publisher Account with guided setups for easy integrations.
  2. Gain instant access to the relationships we’ve built with investors, digital asset creators, influencers, distribution channels, payment providers, and more.
  3. Access your dashboard and view business recommendations with the new iOS app, wherever you are.
How to get started: *For existing Xsolla partners, please note that Business Engine is only accessible in Publisher Account V4. Contact your account manager regarding migration if you are on V3. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, or if you need a hand integrating one of our solutions, get in touch and let us know.
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