You go to a website, enter your credit card information, click purchase and… that’s it, right? Well, the truth is far more complicated. There’s a myriad of events happening behind the scenes and across multiple networks that happen between purchase and the money showing up in your account. You just never hear about that part.For most people, that’s not a problem. But, if you’re a game developer looking to accept credit card payments for your game, understanding the process and how it works could mean a higher conversion rate, increased revenue, and more.Download our free Credit Cards 101 ebook, and you’ll gain insights like learning how choosing the right processing partner may be the most important decision you can make once your game is ready for launch. We’ll walk you through all the details about how credit cards work, what processing them will cost you, and how to choose the right partner for your card processing needs.
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Mobile payments are now essential for video game ecommerce. Xsolla Payments enables global video game transactions, adapting to players' needs across platforms.