Wildlife Studios Taps Xsolla Web Shop to Reward Loyal War Machines Players

Success Story

Founded in 2011, Wildlife Studios grew to become one of the world’s largest mobile gaming companies,  expanding rapidly from their headquarters in Brazil.

Wildlife and their games catalog, including Sniper 3D, War Machines, Colorfy, and Tennis Clash, is currently valued at $3 billion.


Wildlife broke into the real-time multiplayer game market in 2016 with Castle Crush and War Machines.  In 2022, their focus shifted towards a plan to increase VIP players’ engagement, reduce platform fees, and acquire more useful user data.

Wildlife and Xsolla discussed implementing the best way to achieve audience and revenue goals while testing the plan’s viability with a trial run focused exclusively on whales’ purchase habits. Xsolla understood that Wildlife also hoped to increase audience engagement without impacting their Apple platform revenue.


Ultimately, we recommended our Web Shop solution where consistently active users could comfortably make in-app purchases via an exclusive VIP shop.

The plan was to entice their most transaction-ready customers (identified via Player ID) to purchase War Machines in-game content directly from their site with the lure of exclusive promotional bundles.

Wildlife integrated Web Shop with expectations of expanding their mobile game monetization strategy beyond the app store.


Initial results of Wildlife's Web Shop trial far exceeded expectations:

Meaningful customer input

In addition to an immediate flow of purchases from the VIP shop, their top customers provided valuable feedback (kudos about the interface, the payment flow, and the overall experience) and requested more special offerings in their VIP Web Shop.

Useful Data Insights

Trackable customer behavior numbers revealed that Wildlife could plan and execute effective promotions to all player segments, ultimately driving higher engagement, AARPU, and MAU.

Additional Revenue Streams to Targeted Segments

Web shop opened a path to off-platform income from high-revenue players, inspiring the studio to extend the solution to their broader community.

  • The same benefits are available for any game developer or publisher ready to partner with Xsolla, strengthen player commerce, target promotions across multiple segments and generate new income streams.
  • If you want more players, revenue, and customer loyalty for your mobile games, talk to Xsolla about integrating Web Shop. Existing Xsolla partners can start immediately from their Publisher Account. Everyone can contact us today and discuss how you can do everything the app stores do and more ⏤ for only 5%.

Wildlife Studios levels up with Web Shop

Success Story
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