Team17 Games Store, custom-built in partnership with Xsolla


Veteran developer takes its complete catalog in a bespoke online store to increase game sales.

Team17 is a successful, veteran game developer and publisher with more than 30 years of experience to its name. Among the games it has developed and published are the legendary Worms franchise, Overcooked and Overcooked 2, The Escapists, The Escapists 2, Yooka-Laylee, and many others. Team17 approached Xsolla with an immediate need to create a custom games store with specific needs in mind with a games catalog full of quality titles. 

The goal was to avoid lost revenue due to high transaction fees and add the ability to sell bundles and games from different platforms in a single place with one shopping cart. Additionally, Team17 wanted a transparent sales pipeline with analytics about what games their players owned, what they wanted to play, and other supplementary data they could utilize to improve the customer experience.


For this integration, Xsolla created a brand-new Game Sales solution specifically for Team17, and this pilot program was custom-built and tailored for their needs and requests. By combining the functionality of Xsolla’s Buy Button, Pay Station, and Site Builder products, we assembled a unique Team17 Games Store, complete with their branding, look, and feel.


Currently, the store contains over 70 games, more than 30 DLC packs, with more on the way soon. Each piece of content, whether it be a game or DLC, has its own dedicated page, where players can learn more, watch videos, view screenshots, find out system specifications, and much more. 

The store also includes the ability to run promotions, sell games and DLC as bundles, and features a robust search tool and a shopping cart that can handle multiple items across multiple platforms, while providing regional compliance for payments. Plus, it includes full integration with a system providing access to analytics, GTM, Facebook pixel, and more. Everything was built in accordance with Team17’s branding, and they can manage the game pages as well as the store completely on their end.

Technical aspects included: 

Site Builder

  • Built specific layout of the store with custom blocks: carousel on top, promo banner, catalog, bundles, subscribe to news
  • Provided catalog management and filtering 
  • Provided integration with Google Merchant services to promote the store

Payments and Anti-fraud

  • Introduced regional prices and determined the optimal filters to prevent fraud 
  • Enabled all available payment options 
  • Defined framework for customer support and assigned to internal teams

Are you ready to create your own custom games store to serve your catalog? Find out more about our Xsolla Game Sales solution right here, and you can also download our one-page information sheet for further information. It’s a great way to generate sales while serving your community and increasing the value of your brand.

If you’re a new partner interested in working with us, please contact If you are a current partner and would like to know more, please contact your appointed account manager or email

Team17 levels up with pay station, store, and site builder

Success Story
  • Team17 Store

Team17 leveled up with Store

View demo →Visit the Team17 Store →

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